For me, it's not about standing up to others expectations - it's about making my own counts'

Picture "barrowed" by Stefan, true story though!!

t’s funny how the people who know the least, have the most to say. And the people who know the most, walk away.

I always say that I want someone to love and be loved by, but in the end, I find love as a weakness and I don't have the time or the courage to be weak.. I'm to proud for desperation and to damn focused to be in love'

Gammal bild..
Sex and the City quotes'

- I just love Sex and the City and the quotes especially!! :love: Miranda och Samantha är lätt mina favoriter, helt enkelt pga utav den enkla anledningen att Miranda är en underbar karriärskvinna och en sann pessimist som drar sina roliga vitsar.. Precis en sån person som jag vill bli i framtiden (!!) och Samantha är likaså en kvinna med någonting innanför skalbenen, drar kvicka kommentarer och är så självständig som man bara kan bli!! Charlotte och Carrie är helt enkelt to obsessed about men för min smak och är way easier to break down.
To be in love is like being cursed - it puts your brain as the second factory and suddenly all your priorities change for the worse'
Some people shut you out of their lives because they can’t handle the truth about themselves. They judge you as they judged themselves.

Shit happens. not everything goes the way that you want it to. Sometimes you just have to take it for what it is and say "fuck it" and just live.

- When you fall down, you gotta pick yourself back up and keep on going because sometimes there isn't going to be a person there to do it for you.
"The human is the most dangerous animal on earth. Animals act by reaction - we act by emotions, greed, experiences and individuality."

There’s photoshop, auto tune, & plastic surgery. Too bad there’s nothing for your ugly personality.